Tuesday, November 4, 2014
News from adidas: $20 Off Purchases of $100 or More and Free Shipping
Adidas has some great deals happening now. Read about them below:
$20 Off: Today is the last chance for $20 off purchases of $100 or more with code TAKE20 at adidas.com!
Free Shipping: You can receive FREE SHIPPING sitewide at adidas.com. There's no minimum purchase and the offer is valid until 11/7.
Tracksuits: Tracksuits for men, women and kids are on sale from now - 11/16. Save 20%. There's no code required.
**The links in this post are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Teen Fashion Models, It's Not What You think
Jennifer Sky is a Brooklyn-based writer of fiction and nonfiction. Previously she was a successful teen model and actress in television and film.
Her recently published ebook, "Queen of the Tokyo Ballroom
This clip is by Jennifer Sky. Go check out her YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Twitter, if you'd like. And here's an action page if you want to do something more. Her book is at The Atavist, as well as on Amazon. Lastly here's a link about the New York law she refers to around 02:00.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Getting Back on Track
Then when I got back I had lots of stuff (housework, gardening and work) to catch up on and began getting ready for an 11 day motorcycle trip. I wanted to get ahead with work related task, I picked up some extra classes to teach for some extra money and well the excuses go on and on. I even convinced myself that I was too busy to make juice regularly.
Then comes the trip. We ate out for every meal for 11 days. We made good choices and had some fantastic meals. One of the highlights was getting to eat at Laughing Seed in Ashville, NC. It is a vegetarian restaurant with some of the best food I have ever eaten! The bed and breakfasts we stayed at were lovely but as you can guess they served a huge breakfast with lots things I do not usually eat. I didn't want to be rude so I ate it. I didn't clean my plate or take seconds but I ate a lot more than normal! Throw in no juice and very little exercise and it is no wonder I have gained weight and feel sluggish. My face even broke out a bit which hasn't really happened in about a year or so.
We got home and I promised I was going to get back on track but again the excuses are plenty. I am back to eating well and have made juice several times but other than some short walks no exercise. Then Friday I began planning my week. The calendar filled in quickly and I could see where I was heading yet again. I stopped and filled in my work-outs. It is going to mean some early morning walks and work-outs but I am going to get back on track. I don't like to feel moody or sluggish and I don't want to get back to where I was. I will do my best to post regularly on here and Facebook. Hopefully the accountability will help.
Do you struggle with staying on track when life gets busy? Do you find it hard to go back to working out after you skip for a while?
Monday, July 7, 2014
The Invisible Youth
Have you ever wondered how someone got the way they are? Have you ever said "They did it to themselves"? Have you ever looked at a teen that was worn and tired looking and assumed they were on drugs or partied too hard. What about that skinny girl that you are sure is anorexic or bulimic because she wants to be skinnier? You know few things are as cut and dry as we think they are.
Teen suicide, drug abuse and homelessness are not always because the teen wants to be rebellious and they don't always lead to a life of crime. Sometimes it is just the opposite sometimes they are looking for a normal life without the drama and pain.
Let me challenge your belief, let this video challenge you.
Teen suicide, drug abuse and homelessness are not always because the teen wants to be rebellious and they don't always lead to a life of crime. Sometimes it is just the opposite sometimes they are looking for a normal life without the drama and pain.
Let me challenge your belief, let this video challenge you.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Choosing and Caring for Your Workout Clothing
I have been working out fairly regularly for several years now. In that time I have gone through several brands and styles of fitness gear, especially sports bra. By far my favorite are by Adidas. They have kept their form, clean easily and the fit and support is amazing. I prefer the ones that close or zip in the front.
Why is Adidas so great? Adidas is all about function. And in order for you to have incredible workouts and feel amazing, you need to have the right apparel, so they created a line of the best bras imaginable for all of you.
New Adidas Bras for EveryoneAdidas has released a full line up of super impressive sports bras for ladies to rock during their workouts. (Or if you just want to wear something super comfortable!) And get this, they took custom fit to a whole new level for the sports bra, so sizing doesn't just run small - large...you can choose a cup size for the adidas Women's Energy Bra - A, B, & C cup. Prices start at just $25 on the Techfit bras.
Regardless of the brand you go with how you care for your work-out clothing is important. While most brands are made primarily of lycra/spandex higher end brands such as Lululemon or Zobha cost more because they are made using higher quality material (for instance lululemon’s signature fabric is luon). So when your are spending multiple $20’s for running capris be sure to read the label and surf the brands website for specific care instructions before you through them in the washer.
No matter what your fitness fashion budget may be a good rule of thumb for extending your work-out gear is to wash them in cold water. I know it is tempting to throw sweaty gear into hot water but don't!Make sure you use a detergent that works well in cold water and if needed use cleaners made for work-out gear that target perspiration. If you prefer a more natural approach try using vinegar and water. For best results mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with half-a-cup of water to clean out stubborn perspiration stains. Let the fabric soak for 20-30 minutes and then launder on cool.
The best way to ensure that odors are easier to remove is to wash your gear as soon as you can. Even if all you do is drop it onto a small bucket filled with water, detergent, a little vinegar and little baking soda. Let them soak overnight, hang them to dry and then wash them the next day.
Last but certainly not least is the dryer. Heat really has no place in the care of your work-out gear. If you don't have an outdoor clothes line hang them in laundry room, bathroom, anywhere except next to, in or on heat!
If you need more inspiration for work-out gear check out my Pinterest page: 'Cause you need to look good when you work out too
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Vegan Breakfast Tacos
I am not a big breakfast eater but I do realize it is an important meal. During the work week I usually have some fresh green juice, a handful of almonds and cranberries. On occasion I'll grab a bagel and Tofutti. On the week-ends however I like to take it easy, sip on my coffee and enjoy a "real" breakfast. One of my favorite things to make is breakfast tacos. They are healthy, filling and easy to make. I promise you won't miss the eggs or cheese.
Potatoes or hash-browns
Green onions
Bell Pepper, any color
Salt & pepper
2 tablespoons of Olive oil
Your favorite salsa *optional*
You can add any veggies that you like, the options are endless. When it is just me eating them I load up the mushrooms!
1. Either wash and cut your potatoes or start baking your hash-browns. The potatoes can be cooked in the over or on the stove top to avoid heating up the house. I use hash-brown patties because they are quick and easy. I do make sure that the only thing they contain are potatoes.
2. Heat your pan with olive oil in it on medium heat.
4. Saute your veggies in the Olive oil
5. Chop up your hash-browns and add it to the veggie mix. This is when you can add salt and pepper to taste.
6. Cook the mixture for a few minutes to give everything a chance to mix together.
Start to finish, including browning the hash-browns these take about 20 minutes to make. If you make a big enough batch you can freeze or refrigerate the leftover, pop it in the microwave and you have a quick and healthy breakfast that a fast food restaurant can't compete with!
What's your go-to healthy breakfast?
Friday, May 30, 2014
Yoga: Transforming Your Body and Mind
I enjoy mixing my work-outs up, yoga, strength training, Pilates, or just a long walk. I think mixing it up keeps me from getting board, a problem I had when I was going to a gym. Like most, I find yoga to be relaxing. It tends to calm me and wash away all the anxiety and brings my body into balance physically and emotionally but yoga can do so much more. Depending on the session yoga can pump you up, build muscle and burn calories as much as a cardio work-out. Add some weights and you are going to see the same results you would with some of the more extreme programs on the market. I think the different options is why I like Yoga download so much. I can log in and pick what I am in the mood for.
What type of workouts do you enjoy? Have you tried yoga before?
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
What Every Woman Wants but Won't ask for...
In fact, it's something that WOMAN wants - but is afraid to ask for...
It's luscious... and it's LIVE.
It's a free 5-day online festival that will REVIVE everything it means to be a woman...
It's called the Red Tent Revival and it's happening very soon.

It's hosted by Kristin Sweeting Morelli and if you know Kristin... she's known for breaking down barriers and empowering women... and for years, she's very much wanted to bring to life an epic, totally unique, online experience, available women around the world!
This Red Tent Revival is a reflection of a journey to pleasure that has completely changed her life. And now she wants to help you change yours in ways you can't even imagine.
In the Red Tent you'll learn the ancient secrets to reviving your pleasure and returning to your feminine truth... but it doesn't stop there.
There'll be dancing... lots of dancing.
There'll be sisterhood...
And there'll be a few unmentionables...
But mostly, there will be 5 days of unbridled fun!
You don't want to miss it! I'm personally inviting you to join me, Kristin, and tens of thousands of women in the Red Tent Revival.
All you have to do is click here to join for free
Sunday, May 4, 2014
30-day bodyweight challenge
It is that time again, time for another awesome 30 Day Challenge with Betty Rocker. It’s a 30-day bodyweight challenge that increases strength and effectively metabolizes fat over a 4-week period.
Challengers receive 4 weeks of instructional videos, downloadable PDF’s with demonstrations and pictures, as well as a support forum on facebook for questions and sharing.There will be live support provided throughout the challenge along with bonus content – recipes, health tips and special prizes.
Bodyweight exercises are a fantastic way to get a stronger, leaner and more sculpted physique – and best of all, they don’t require any equipment or a gym!
Wherever you are on your fitness journey, the 30-day Challenge will motivate you to get to the next level. With an incredible community, an easy format to follow and fun, challenging workouts, she will help you reach your health and fitness goals!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Food Matters: You Are What You Eat
I began my food journey about three years ago. It started with a blurb about clean eating in a work-out video. That lead me to the video Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead followed by Food Matters. I have continued to educate myself since. I don't claim to be an expert but I can say my health is good, I feel great and I have had lab work done to back up what I already knew, changing what I put into by body would change my health.
Food Matters started as a movie and has grown by leaps in bounds! The movie is inspirational and takes a real look at why what you put into your body matters. March 20-31 is the launch party for the new site where you will have access to recipes, documentations, and discounts on some of the leading supplements and cool kitchen tools that making living a healthy life easier.
Have you watched any of the free screenings, new-release previews and bonus videos?
There are hundreds more inspiring documentaries, expert interviews and recipe videos inside FMTV waiting for you!
And if you decide to become an annual member before midnight this Monday, you'll get 12 months for the price of 8, 3 FREE e-Books, plus the chance to win 1 of 50 iPad mini's and tote bags.
Click here to find out more!
Here are the bonuses you'll receive when you become an annual member today:
We really want you to experience FMTV risk free!
Watch all the films, download the bonuses, go into the iPad mini prize draw and if after 90 days you're not 100% satisfied, send us an email and we'll refund your order in full!
Food Matters started as a movie and has grown by leaps in bounds! The movie is inspirational and takes a real look at why what you put into your body matters. March 20-31 is the launch party for the new site where you will have access to recipes, documentations, and discounts on some of the leading supplements and cool kitchen tools that making living a healthy life easier.
There are hundreds more inspiring documentaries, expert interviews and recipe videos inside FMTV waiting for you!
And if you decide to become an annual member before midnight this Monday, you'll get 12 months for the price of 8, 3 FREE e-Books, plus the chance to win 1 of 50 iPad mini's and tote bags.
Click here to find out more!
Here are the bonuses you'll receive when you become an annual member today:
FREE Food Matters Recipe e-Book
FREE Food Matters Detox Guide e-Book
Food Matters Annual e-Magazine (Available April)
We really want you to experience FMTV risk free!
Watch all the films, download the bonuses, go into the iPad mini prize draw and if after 90 days you're not 100% satisfied, send us an email and we'll refund your order in full!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Heart Disease: Alternative Treatments
First let me say I am not a doctor and my sharing this video and story are not meant as medical advise. I am sharing it because I know from experience that traditional cardiologist often only treat the symptoms and view surgery and pills as the only way to go.
I have a left bundle branch block. LBB is not curable but it is treatable, usually with medication and then as it progresses/ you age a pacemaker. I have no underlining heart disease but heart simply does not function the way it should. I reluctantly tried medication only to have the side-effects be more dangerous than the LBBB. I was weaned off the medication and began to take my heart health into my own hands even further.
I made a lot of changes to my lifestyle that included leaving a stressful job, increasing my water intake, wearing a heart monitor when I work-out and becoming even more watchful of what I eat. I have been back to my cardiologist twice since conditioning the medication and both times have been given the thumbs up to keep doing what I am doing. My main goal is to avoid or at least drastically distance myself from a pacemaker. I guess you never want to think about heart surgery but at 41, I am not ready.
Again, I am not saying "ditch your doctor", I still see mine what I am saying is make sure you do your own research. Your body has a built in healing mechanism, get to know it!
Friday, March 21, 2014
The Real You
The real you is sexy, the real you is beautiful and the real you is worthy of being seen and loved! Do you know that? Do you believe that? I know it can be hard to accept in today's society when you never know if the media you are looking at is real or photo shopped. In a society that sets unattainable standards for us to reach but none the less it is true, you are beautiful. Your beauty goes far beyond what people see, It Starts On The Inside!
When I started this blog it was to encourage people to see their true beauty, to realize that we are far more than our outward appearance and that by taking care of our mind, body and soul we will see real change and growth. With that in mind you can understand why I was so excited when I saw Aerie's new campaign. Aerie a lingerie company, where I love to shop, recently released a new ad campaign featuring all completely real, totally unairbrushed models in an effort to challenge unrealistic supermodel standards for young women. You've got to hand it to the brand for bucking the trend and honoring real beauty instead of taking a giant eraser to any itty bitty imperfection. They are proving what we have known all along, imperfections are part of life and what help make us the beautiful women we are.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Juicing for health and meeting Joe Cross
It's pretty hard to meet someone these days that hasn't heard of juicing. It seems to be the "in" thing right now and for good reason. Juicing, if done right, is a great way to pump your body full of vitamins and help build your immune system. Let's face it if your body is starving for vitamins it can't effectively fight off illness.
I bought a juicer about 4-5 years ago but like many it sat on a shelf and was only used a few times. Then as I began digging deeper into clean eating and trying to support my health naturally, I ran across a documentary called Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
. It changed the way my husband and I felt about juicing! We continued to use the small juicer I had first bought but soon found we wanted something that was easier to use, easier to clean and would produce more juice. We went with the Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite. We now juice almost everyday and have definitely seen the rewards. My face is clear, we both have more energy and even lost some weight!
I am so glad I ran across that video! I have seen my health, the health of my family and even a few friends and coworkers transformed. That's why I was so excited when I received an e-mail from Joe stating that Texas was the next stop on his US book tour! He is hitting three cities – Dallas, Houston & Austin. I am planning to go to the Dallas event with my husband and a few friends.I bought a juicer about 4-5 years ago but like many it sat on a shelf and was only used a few times. Then as I began digging deeper into clean eating and trying to support my health naturally, I ran across a documentary called Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
DALLAS: March 18th – 7PM
Barnes & Noble
7700 West Northwest Highway
Dallas, Texas 75225
If you can't make it tune into Good Morning Texas on WFAA (ABC) earlier on March 18th at 9AM where he'll be juicing and talking about his book!
HOUSTON: March 19th – 7PM
Barnes & Noble
River Oaks Shopping Center
2030 W. Gray Street
Houston, Texas 77019
AUSTIN: March 23rd – 11:30AM
Barnes & Noble
10000 Research Blvd., Suite 158
Austin, Texas 78759
You can find out more information on the Facebook event page.
If you are looking for some yummy and healthy juicing recipes be sure to follow my Juicing and smoothies board on Pinterets
Barnes & Noble
River Oaks Shopping Center
2030 W. Gray Street
Houston, Texas 77019
AUSTIN: March 23rd – 11:30AM
Barnes & Noble
10000 Research Blvd., Suite 158
Austin, Texas 78759
You can find out more information on the Facebook event page.
If you are looking for some yummy and healthy juicing recipes be sure to follow my Juicing and smoothies board on Pinterets
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
Fitness Friday: A quick total body workout
I enjoy supplementing my work-out schedule with these quick videos on days that things pop up. I have made working out a priority which means having a back-up plan.
This workout works your entire body in under 30 minutes. Be sure to pay attention to how many reps you need to do of each exercise! It is 5 times through, not just once.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Psst! Here's how to treat yourself when shopping online...
Time to stock up on my favorite base and blush? Well, hello, FREE gloMinerals Mini Eyeshadow Quad. I'm only just slightly over halfway through my perfect blow-out prep product but when there's a GWP from Phytologie | PHYTO, I click Add To Cart like a champion! And there's got to be something -- maybe even lots of somethings -- that I need from Dermalogica Skincare when there's a free gift that gets better the more you purchase.
I found all this GWP goodness at beautystoredepot.com where you can see all the Free Gifts in one place. Just a few clicks and you're on your way to a delivery of beauty goodies that'll put a smile on your pampered face. Even the shipping is free.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Fierce, Feminine and Free
- The relaxed YOU
- The turned on YOU
- The healthy YOU
- The confident YOU
- The fulfilled YOU
- The sexy YOU
- The connected YOU
This is an incredibly exclusive opportunity to learn from experts you would not otherwise have access to because either they’re unavailable for this type of coaching, OR it would cost thousands of dollars to work with them.
The Pleasure Tribe is your chance to go deeper and learn more about how your body works and how you can make it work for you. It is a completely safe and private environment where you can get answers to the questions that you've been too shy or afraid to ask and contact with women from around the world who are interested in learning the same information as you.
Remember, as you learn, grow, and transform, it’s important to surround yourself with like-minded people who are going to support you in your journey and Kristen will be your leader through this experience and guide your transformation into the woman you've always wanted to become.
Over the course of 6 months, you’ll dive deeper into the experiences of the Red Tent Revival. You’ll go on a personal pleasure journey like you've never experienced before…and emerge on the other side as a woman who is more turned on, tapped in and lit up from the inside out.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Enjoy the Ride
We only get one go at life....Enjoy the Ride.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
A fabulous fake bake is just what I needed

Enter Xen Tan Sunless Tan -- a daily sunless tanner that you use until you achieve your desired color and then as needed. I took a shower and applied the lotion immediately afterward making certain it was blended and absorbed. The color wasn't immediate, but I knew to follow the instructions and wash my hands immediately despite not seeing any color on them. That's something I didn't do the first time I used it. Within a few hours I saw a real difference. In my color and my mood!
I didn't have to reapply the lotion for an entire week and maintained my color. This is why I have fallen in love with Xen-Tan Transform Luxe Light to Medium Daily Self-Tan. One bottle should last an entire season or longer, I am still using the one I bought over the summer. I started using it to decrease my likely hood of getting burnt (I buy the one with sunscreen) while still looking tan. The extra color makes me feel good and the sunscreen makes me less vulnerable to the elements.That is a win-win when I am out on a motorcycle trip all day! Anyways it may be cold out but I look warm and ready for the spring. So bring it on February... my new plan is to be TAN despite the weather!
Only $25.60 with coupon code 20AA at beautystoredepot.com and ships free! Check out Xen-Tan Transform Luxe Light to Medium Daily Self-Tan now!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
The Secrets to Living a Turned on Life
Have you ever
heard of Orgasmic Meditation? Recently, I watched this online event and this
woman came on who has dedicated her life to teaching women and men about
Orgasmic Meditation. I was floored. She even did a live demonstration of
If you've never heard of her, the woman I'm speaking about is Nicole Daedone and she's the founder of a company called One Taste. Her TedX talk has been watched more than 600,000 times and she's been featured in Cosmo, Time, the New York Times, and so on.
This video interview was all about the secrets to living a turned on life.
Most of the women I know are working hard, constantly on the go, go, go (whether it's the job, the kids, the relationships, etc.) and we've lost sight of what it feels like to be turned on by life. This interview just might change your perspective a bit.
Also, you will receive a sneak peek into what a live demo is like. Holy wow. This one will blow your socks right off. You've never seen or experienced anything like it.
Here are some of
the benefits of Orgasmic Meditation:
- Increases Overall Vitality. It lights you up from the inside out.
- Increases Overall TurnON. When you’re TurnedON, things flow.
- Increases Energy. There’s a well of energy that lives inside of you.
- Reduces stress & irritability.
So, go check it out. You can thank me later.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Fitness Friday, Yoga
Yoga, even the name is relaxing yet strong. I don't perform a set yoga routine daily but I do enjoy adding moves into my workout and will often do a video like the one below on my "rest days".
Yoga is a great addition to anyone's routine. Yoga moves will relax and calm you mentally and physically, improve muscle tone and strength, increase flexibility, has a Lower risk of injury compared to traditional workouts, can help you loose weight, benefits breathing and lowers blood pressure, and improves your posture. What other exercise can boost all that?
Saturday, January 4, 2014
30 Day Challenge, Come join me!
It is a new year and with that often comes goal setting, resolutions and purging of the old. The new year is often when we pledge to eat healthy, exercise and love ourselves more. Sadly according to Forbes only 8% of us are able to follow through. I certainly have had my share of failures but I have also had success at keeping some of those resolutions and goals. The biggest difference was rather or not I had formed a plan to reach the goal, shared it someone, and accepted help and support.
In 2012 I was working out 5 days a week, eating healthy and enjoying the results. In 2013 I found out I had a heart condition, was stuck in a dead in job that I allowed to make me miserable and slowly I stopped working out and began to cheat on what I ate. As the year ended I knew I wanted to get back on track, I thought of everything I had accomplished in 2012 and realized I did some amazing things with the help of my family and friends. That was the key, I had help! I started looking around online for some programs and then heard the little ding from Facebook in another tab. I clicked over and a friend posted about Betty Rocker's 30 day challenge.
The workouts are metabolic circuits designed to effortlessly shed body fat up to 38 hours after each session, they do not require any special equipment and rely on your body weight for resistance. Betty also offers an optional free private Facebook page for everyone on the challenge to ask questions, offer support and gain motivation. Knowing all this I took the plunge and signed up.
Are you ready to make this year the year you improve your health? Are you ready to get fit, stay motivated, find healthy recipes and have the support of an awesome team? Then join me in the 30 day challenge!
Remember it is 100% free and you don't have to buy any equipment and optional exercises and tips are included for those with special medical needs/limited mobility. It doesn't matter where you are, today can be the day you start caring for yourself.
Note: the challenge started on 1-2-14 but you only need to get in 3 days. You are not behind, we can do this!
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