Have you ever
heard of Orgasmic Meditation? Recently, I watched this online event and this
woman came on who has dedicated her life to teaching women and men about
Orgasmic Meditation. I was floored. She even did a live demonstration of
If you've never heard of her, the woman I'm speaking about is Nicole Daedone and she's the founder of a company called One Taste. Her TedX talk has been watched more than 600,000 times and she's been featured in Cosmo, Time, the New York Times, and so on.
This video interview was all about the secrets to living a turned on life.
Most of the women I know are working hard, constantly on the go, go, go (whether it's the job, the kids, the relationships, etc.) and we've lost sight of what it feels like to be turned on by life. This interview just might change your perspective a bit.
Also, you will receive a sneak peek into what a live demo is like. Holy wow. This one will blow your socks right off. You've never seen or experienced anything like it.
Here are some of
the benefits of Orgasmic Meditation:
- Increases Overall Vitality. It lights you up from the inside out.
- Increases Overall TurnON. When you’re TurnedON, things flow.
- Increases Energy. There’s a well of energy that lives inside of you.
- Reduces stress & irritability.
So, go check it out. You can thank me later.